Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New Mexico Tri #2

A few weekends ago Michael did the Farmington, New Mexico Xterra Triathlon for the second time. It's about a 7 hour drive each way. We left on a Friday afternoon and got back the following Saturday night; it was a quick trip! Even so, it was really fun to spend time with the two boys and watch Michael race. Somehow I never get tired of going to these events. Not only is there an abundance of excitement filling the air, but to see the incredibly strong athletes race is quite motivating! Here are some pictures from our trip... enjoy...

I love to watch everyone getting ready for the race. It is interesting to see how different everyone lays out their gear for optimum timeliness during transition.
"Best Buds"

He did great! He came in a little later than last year, but what can you expect with it being the first race of the season? I'm just so proud of him. The Xterra's he does are pretty hardcore.
We found these massive "otter pops" at a gas station in Shiprock.
They sure cooled us off on that 98 degree weather day.
Ziggy was completely pooped coming home. He slept the whole way home. Instead of using the entire back seat to lay down, he has to lay his head in the middle console to be close to Michael and I.

On our way home we stopped in Moab. We met Michaels friends at the watering hole for a much needed break from driving. Ziggy kept stealing sticks from all the dog's mouths. He's hilarious.

I got this vase at a trade shop in a reservation just out of New Mexico.
The lady who sold it to me said that it is a wedding vase.
When a couple gets married, they each drink from opposite sides of the vase.
Once they have done so, they become one.
However, if their marriage is to fail, they have to break the vase and bury it in the ground where the clay came from that was used to make it.
It is an Indian tradition.


Blue Mount Tours said...

nice pic

Teliece said...

Did you break your wedding vase and bury it in the ground? 🤣