Last weekend Michael and I watched Morgan and Carson, while my brother and his wife stayed up in Park City overnight. They are the funniest little boys. We took them to a 3D film at the Clark Planetarium, which they loved. When we got back I told them they had to get in their pjs to go to bed. Morgan started undressing and said, I want to take a nice warm bath. Bathtime was a little more dramatic for Carson when we couldn't find his brontasaurus. In the morning we took them to breakfast and Morgan looks at Michael and says.. "I just can't stand it,
Carson's just so cute!" Where does he get these sayings? After breakfast, we took them to Bird World right by our house. Carson liked the turtles the best, and told his mom that the Toders were his favorite. We had a really fun time, kids are exhausting and a lot of work... but so worth it!